Our goal is to make sure every student has a strong start to their education career by building a strong foundation of skills. Staff, families, and the community work together to support students’ development of academic and social emotional skills
Students at our school benefit from the district’s 1:1 iPad initiative. Teachers help students develop strong digital citizenship skills as well as technology skills to use their iPad as a learning tool successfully. Students use learning management systems to communicate with staff and receive feedback on their learning.
Literacy and math instruction is a priority for students during their elementary years. Students receive robust and rigorous instruction in reading foundation skills as well as comprehension and writing skills. Interventionists support students' progress through additional small group instruction. Our Multi-tiered system of support allows us to provide students with the instruction that is necessary for them to be successful at school. This includes remediation, enrichment and social-emotional skill practice.
Complementing these programs is a strong emphasis on following our Trojan Code: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Choose Wisely. We emphasize the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, using the problem-solving wheel for issues that arise, and developing a growth mindset while learning new skills.
It takes a strong and supportive partnership with parents and community members in order to make sure all of our students are creating a solid foundation of skills for the rest of their schooling. I encourage you as parents and stakeholders to communicate with teachers and myself so we can work together. I truly believe together we will build our SCHOOL of EXCELLENCE! TROJAN PRIDE!